Paw Place


Welcome to the Campus Store for Trinity Presbyterian School.  Paw Place sells new and gently-used Trinity uniforms. It is managed by the PTO. For your convenience, the store is located in room #124.

Paw Place Chair:
Robin Rudder 

Summer Hours:
July 10th, 17th, and 31st, 9:00 - 11:00 AM

Regular School Hours:
Tuesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 AM
Thursdays, 2:30-3:30 PM

How do you purchase clothing?
You may put it on your Trinity account or pay by check.
The majority of used uniforms (shirts, shorts, and dresses) cost $5 per item and outerwear (sweaters and jackets) cost $10 per item.  Please note that once an item is purchased it cannot be returned.
How can you donate clothing?
We will have a “drop and dash” so that you can donate uniforms at your convenience.  Clothing bins are outside the lower school and upper school offices. We kindly request clean, gently used clothing.  Please do not donate anything that you would not be willing to purchase.  We accept uniforms and spirit wear.
Is this the same as lost and found?
No, the school will continue to operate the lost and found.  Uniform clothing and other items that are left in PE or elsewhere in the school will be sent to the lost and found bins.  Students should check these areas if they have lost something.  Periodically, the school may notify parents that any unclaimed uniforms will be donated to the pre-loved uniform store if not claimed within a certain time.
How are the profits used?
Proceeds from the store are included in the PTO fund for school improvements! 
We would love to have a few more volunteers to help sell clothes on Tuesday mornings.  Please contact Robin Rudder  to volunteer.