Uniform Information
All students at Trinity are required to wear uniforms to school every day. Uniform items must be purchased from Southern School Uniforms or Tommy Hilfiger School Uniforms (online only) with the exception of specific items that have been approved to be purchased from any store (i.e. sock, shoes, etc.) For a detailed list of the uniform items, please refer to the Uniform Guidelines found on this page. Any item purchased from an outside vendor must follow the uniform guidelines and requirements.
Southern School Uniforms is located at 1721 Eastern Boulevard, Montgomery, AL www.zoghbyuniforms.com / (334) 215-0000
Tommy Hilfiger Uniform Catalog may be found on their website at www.globalschoolwear.com
(877) 825-2860 / School Code #TRIN01
In addition to purchasing uniform clothing items from Southern School Uniforms and Tommy Hilfiger, many items may also be purchased from Trinity's new and used uniform store, Paw Place.
Uniform Requirements
- Lower School: K3 - K5 Requirements
- Lower School: 1st - 5th grade Requirements
- Lower School: Special Events/Choir Requirements
- Middle and Upper School: 6th - 12th grade Requirements