School Life @ Trinity
One world, one school, one family! Students from K3 to 12th grade regularly interact with one another, be it in pep rallies or in the classroom. Trinity’s one-campus atmosphere allows older students to encourage and mentor younger students. Whether it’s a varsity athlete high-fiving a first grader in the hallway or a fifth grader reading with a kindergartener, school life at Trinity is one of nurturing family. Lower school students often lovingly refer to upper school students as “the giants.”
The Trinity experience is not your typical school environment. Our students and faculty have done a great job fading, if not dissolving, stereotypical divisions. At Trinity, you can be an outstanding student, an accomplished athlete, and a talented artist or performer all wrapped into one. The school grounds and classrooms are safe and secure. We offer a nurturing environment where the focus is always on learning.
Among the great traditions of Trinity is the vitality of our parental support. Frequently, one will hear references to the “Trinity family.” While a widely used phrase in the world of education, at Trinity the word “family” is a hallmark. Parent volunteer organizations provide abundant opportunities to join the ranks and lend an all-important hand in the day-to-day operation of the school. Parents play a central role by partnering with teachers to create a caring and cohesive environment where children can achieve their fullest potential both academically and spiritually. Parents also play a role in serving the school through prayer, classroom support, field trips, lunch program, special events, and a variety of other activities.
Kingdom Keepers is a program that was conceived in 2011; and was designed to build relationships across grade levels. Fifth graders are partnered with kindergarten students at the beginning of the year and they meet in the library two to three times a month for activities. The library is also home to a “communication station,” which enables the students to correspond by mail on a weekly basis. This program allows kindergarten students to build relationships with upperclassmen and carry these relationships throughout their career at Trinity and beyond.
The Kindergarten-Senior Buddy program is an opportunity for growth and connection between kindergartners and seniors. Each kindergartener is assigned one to two seniors.
Buddies get to know each other through events organized by the Senior Class. This program also allows kindergarten students to build relationships with upperclassmen.
We feel what sets Trinity apart from other schools is its commitment to developing a well rounded child/student. This means not solely focusing on academics, but also each child’s spiritual, social, athletic, and artistic development. Years ago someone gave me this parenting advice. Raise your child to be the kind of adult you would want to be friends with. We feel this is what Trinity is doing. Our favorite part of Trinity is easily the faculty. We feel that they are daily teaching and applying the same values and standards that we do at home.